HomeGrants for Maine ResidentsAlfond GrantAlfond Grant Update Information

Receive Alfond Grant Updates!

You may have already received information from us if your child was automatically awarded the Alfond Grant as a baby born a Maine resident since January 1, 2013.

Please update your mailing address and provide additional contact information, so we can provide you with your Alfond Grant update.

The Alfond Scholarship Foundation and the Finance Authority of Maine will share information about the Alfond Grant, education savings programs and helpful tips as your baby grows!

Mash Westbrook, ME

Update Your Information

Please complete all fields. Providing your information does not guarantee that your child is eligible for the Alfond Grant.

Note: If your Alfond Grant is associated with a NextGen 529 account, please contact your account servicer with any address updates.

Birth Mother

Date of Birth(Required)

Contact Information

Current Mailing Address(Required)

Child's Information

Please provide legal names, as they appear on the child’s official birth record.
Date of Birth(Required)
